

三级笔译 A
【英译汉】(Financial Times 2017):

At 51, Cathy McDonnell wanted to put her Oxford physics degree and former experience crunching data at Qinetiq to better use. She had worked part-time in a school for several years while her three children were young, but she wanted to get back into the corporate world.

Several applications later, all for jobs in her former field of defence, she was getting nowhere. Then a friend told her about “returnships”, a form of later-life work experience that some companies are experimenting with to help older people — mainly women — return to work, often after breaks to care for families.

Cathy eventually secured a place on an 11-week “Career Returners” programme with O2, open to men and women, which included being buddied with a 20-year-old male student who was also with the company on work experience. He helped to acquaint her with new technology, such as using an iPhone and accessing the company’s virtual private network from her laptop so she could work from home but still access internal files.

“On the assessment day, I thought they must have been looking at my project management skills. But they weren’t looking at us for specific roles. They were just thinking, ‘These women have a lot to offer, let’s see what they can do.’ That was refreshing.”

In fact, by hiring female returnees, companies can access hard skills these women developed in their former high-level jobs — and for a discount. In return, employers coach older females back into working life.Through her returnship, Ms McDonnell gained a full-time role as an operations data consultant, handling projects within service management at O2.She still is earning less than she would like to. “But it’s a foot in the door and the salary is up for review in six months,” she says.

It is still overwhelmingly women who stay home to care for young families. UK government figures show that women account for around 90 per cent of people on extended career breaks for caring reasons.
A lack of middle-aged women working, particularly in highly skilled roles, is costing the UK economy £50bn a year, according to a report. The report found that men over 50 took home nearly two-thirds of the total wages paid out to everyone in that age range in 2015. It blamed the pay gap on the low-skilled, part-time roles older women often accept. Some 41 per cent of women in work in the UK do so part-time, as opposed to only 11 per cent of men.

A study last year by economists found “robust evidence of age discrimination in hiring against older women” in a range of white and blue-collar jobs. The data show that it is harder for older women to find jobs than it is for older men regardless of whether they have taken a break from working.




三级笔译 B

In December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases were found. Scientists believe that It was caused by a previously unknown virus- Now named COVID-19.

Coronaviruses have the appearance of a crown. Crown in Latin is called "corona" and that's how these viruses got their name. There are different types of coronaviruses that cause respiratory and sometimes gastrointestinal of symptoms.

It's known that coronaviruses circulate in a range of animals. But the animals which transmit COVID-19 are not known yet. And the exact dynamics of how the virus is transmitted is yet to be determined.

From what is known so far, there can be a number of symptoms ranging from mild to severe. There can be fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath. In more severe cases, there's been pneumonia, kidney failure and death. There is currently no specific medication for the virus and treatment is supportive care. There is currently no vaccine to protect against the virus. Treatment and vaccines are in development.

Nevertheless, we are committed to combatting the COVID-19 epidemic. It's certainly troubling that so many people and countries have been affected, so quickly. Now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries, the threat of a pandemic has become very real. But it would be the first pandemic in history that could be controlled. The bottom line is: we are not at the mercy of this virus.

The great advantage we have is that the decisions we all make-as governments, businesses, communities, families and individuals can influence the trajectory of the epidemic. We need to remember that with decisive, early action, we can slow down the virus and prevent infections. Among those who are infected, most will recover.

It's also important to remember that looking only at the total number of reported cases and the total number of countries doesn't tell the full story. This is an uneven epidemic at the global level. Different countries are in different scenarios, requiring a tailored response. It's not about containment or mitigation. It's about both.

All countries must take a comprehensive blended strategy for controlling their epidemics and pushing this deadly virus back. Countries that continue finding and testing cases and tracing their contacts not only protect their own people, they can also affect what happens in other countries and globally. The WHO has consolidated its guidance for countries in four categories: those with no case; those with sporadic cases; those with clusters; and those with community transmission. For all countries, the aim is the same: stop transmission and prevent the spread of the virus.

For the first three categories, countries must focus on finding, testing, treating and isolating individual cases and following their contacts. In areas with community spread, testing every suspected case and tracing their contacts become more challenging. Action must be taken to prevent transmission at the community level to reduce the epidemic to manageable clusters.

水稻是世界上最主要的粮食作物之一,世界上一半以上人口(包括中国 60%以上人口)都以稻米作为主食。中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家,至今已有 7000 年左右的历史,当 前水稻产量占全国粮食作物产量近一半。水稻作为主要的粮食,无论对中国还是对世界的重要性都是不言而喻的。中国在超级杂 交水稻(super hybrid rice)生产方面成就突出,关键人物便是袁隆平。被誉为“中国杂交水 稻之父”。他的名字不仅在中国家喻户晓,在国际上也享有盛誉。袁隆平于上世纪 60 年代开始杂交水稻研究。他带领科研团队使中国杂交水稻一直领先 于世界水平,不仅不断实现杂交水稻的高产量目标,而且在生产实践中不断推广应用,从实际上解决了中国人吃饭难的问题。袁隆平还多次到美国、印度等国家传授技术,为 30 多个 国家和地区的政府官员和科研工作者讲学,促进杂交水稻技术造福世界。

1987 年 11 月 3 日,联合国教科文组织在巴黎总部向袁隆平颁发科学奖,认为他的科研成果是“第二次绿色革命”。2004年,袁隆平获得世界粮食奖(the World Food Prize),表彰 他为人类提供营养丰富、数量充足的粮食所做出的突出贡献。

The world is at a social, environmental and economic tipping point. Subdued growth, rising inequalities and accelerating climate change provide the context for a backlash against capitalism, globalization, technology, and elites. There is gridlock in the international governance system and escalating trade and geopolitical tensions are fueling uncertainty. This holds back investment and increases the risk of supply shocks: disruptions to global supply chains, sudden price spikes or interruptions in the availability of key resources.

Persistent weaknesses in the drivers of productivity growth are among the principal culprits. In advanced, emerging and developing economies, productivity growth started slowing in 2000 and decelerated further after the crisis. Between 2011 and 2016, “total factor productivity growth” – or the combined growth of inputs, like resources and labour, and outputs – grew by 0.3 percent in advanced economies and 1.3 percent in emerging and developing economies.

The financial crisis added to this deceleration. Investments are undermined by uncertainty, low demand and tighter credit conditions. Many of the structural reforms designed to revive productivity that were promised by policy-makers did not materialize.

Governments must better anticipate the unintended consequences of technological integration and implement complementary social policies that support populations through the FourIndustrial Revolution. Economies with strong innovation capability must improve their talent base and the functioning of their labor markets.

Adaption is critical. We need an awell-functioning labour market that protects workers, not jobs. Advanced economies need to develop their skills base and tackle rigidities in their labour markets. As innovation capacity grows, emerging economies need to strengthen their skills and labour market to minimize the risks of negative social spillovers.

Sustainable economic growth remains the surest route out of poverty and a core driver of human development. For the past decade, growth has been weak and remains below potential in most developing countries, seriously hampering progress on several of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development Goals (SDGs).

The world is not on track to meet any of the SDGS. Least developed countries have missed the target of 7 percent growth every year since 2015. Extreme poverty reduction is decelerating. 3.4 billion people – or 46 percent of the world’s population – lived on less than US$5, 50a day and struggled to meet basic needs. After years of steady decline, hunger has increased and now affects 826 million up from 784 million in 2015. A total of 20 percent of Africans population is undernourished. The “zero hunger” target will almost certainly be missed.

In the mid-1800s a caterpillar, the size of a human finger, began spreading across the northeastern U.S. This appearance of the tomato hornworm was followed by terrifying reports of fatal poisonings and aggressive behavior towards people. In July 1869 newspapers across the region posted warnings about the insect, reporting that a girl had died after a run-in with the creature. That fall a local newspaper printed an account from a doctor. The physician warned that the caterpillar was “as poisonous as a rattlesnake” and said he knew of three deaths linked to its venom.

Although the hornworm is a voracious eater that can strip a tomato plant in a matter of days, it is, in fact, harmless to humans. Entomologists had known the insect to be innocuous for decades, and his claims were widely mocked by experts. So why did the rumors persist even though the truth was readily available? People are social learners. We develop most of our beliefs from the testimony of trusted others such as our teachers, parents and friends. This social transmission of knowledge is at the heart of culture and science. But as the tomato hornworm story shows us, our ability has a gaping vulnerability: sometimes the ideas we spread are wrong.

Over the past five years, the ways in which the social transmission of knowledge can fail us have come into sharp falls. Misinformation shared on social media has fueled an epidemic of false belief. The same basic mechanisms that spread fear about the tomato hornworm have now intensified – and, in some cases, led to – a profound public mistrust of basic societal institution.

“Misinformation” may seem like a misnomer here. After all, many of today’s most damaging false beliefs are initially driven by acts of disinformation, which are deliberately deceptive and intended to cause harm. But part of what makes disinformation so effective in an age of social media is the fact that people who are exposed to it share it widely among friends and peers who trust them, with no intention of misleading anyone. Social media transforms disinformation into misinformation.

Many social scientists have tried to understand how false beliefs persist by modeling the spread of ideas as a contagion. In a contagion model, ideas are like viruses that go from mind to mind. You start with a network, which consists of nodes, representing individuals, and edges, which represent social connections. You seed an idea in one “mind” and see how it spreads.

2019 年 12 月,发现了一批聚集性肺炎病例。1 月 30 日,世界卫生组织将此疫情列为国 际关注的突发公共卫生事情(PHEIC)。面对疫情,专家经考察研究,达成几点共识。

首先,它是一种新的冠状病毒。其次, 新冠肺炎有家庭聚集性的特点;人群普遍易感染,但多数患者是轻症,可以康复。第三,它的传播力高于 SARS,因有的患者无症状或轻症,新冠肺炎隐匿性强。第四,目前尚无特效 药和疫苗。

面对疫情,中国采取了严格、彻底、科学、精准的防控措施,打响了一场抗疫人民战争。种研人员甄别病原体、研究诊治方案、研发抗病毒疫苗。火神山、雷神山医院拔地而起,方舱医院一所所开放,全国各地的医护人员和部队人员紧急结奔赴“抗疫战场”,为病人提供紧急救治。随着一批批轻症患者治愈出院,14 所方舱医院陆续关舱。

疫情没有国界,是人类面临的共同挑战。中国支持世卫组织发挥引领作用,与国际社会 共同抗疫,为完善全球卫生治理做出积极贡献。

农业要保持粮食供应。从供给数量看,2019 年我国粮食产量再创新高,棉油糖生产稳定,果菜茶供应充足,但是公众关注生猪供给。受非洲猪瘟等因素影响,今年生猪产能下降 较多。一场生猪稳产供保行动在全国各地展开,政府部门从财政支持,用地保障、金融保险等方面持续发力。目前生猪生产已出现回暖,猪肉供应将有所增加。同时,禽肉生产增加较 多,牛羊肉生产形式好,肉类供应有保障。

此外,供给的质量和效益也日益提高,品种结构调优。大豆面积增加了 92万公顷。各地积极发展优质稻谷、小麦、大豆、油菜、高产高糖甘蔗等。不少地方推进适应性种植,适 当调减非适应区种植,东北寒冷地区和南方重金属污染区水稻调减 20万公顷,小麦调减 20 万公顷。

2019 年,国家在 175 个县开展有机肥替代化肥,在 150 个县开展果菜茶全程防控试点。目前,病虫绿色防控面积超过 5300 万公顷,化肥用量连续 3 年实现负增长。经过多年的探 索实践,耕地轮作休耕试点省份已由 9 个增加到 17 个,试点面积由 40 万公顷扩大到 200 万公顷。试点区域耕地质量稳步向好,生态环境得到改善,提升了稻米、小麦等的竞争力。

Master of the Intricacies of the Human Heart

By Michiko Kakutani
Oct. 10, 2013

Alice Munro, named on Thursday as the winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature, once observed: “The complexity of things — the things within things — just seems to be endless. I mean nothing is easy, nothing is simple.”
爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro)于本周四获得2013年诺贝尔文学奖,她曾说过:“事物的复杂性,即蕴含在事物之中的事物,似乎无穷无尽。我的意思是,没有任何事是轻松简单的。”

That is also a perfect description of Ms. Munro’s quietly radiant short stories — stories that have established her as one of the foremost practitioners of the form. Set largely in small-town and rural Canada and often focused on the lives of girls and women, her tales have the swoop and density of big, intimate novels, mapping the crevices of characters’ hearts with cleareyed Chekhovian empathy and wisdom.

Fluent and deceptively artless on the page, these stories are actually amazingly intricate constructions that move back and forth in time, back and forth between reality and memory, opening out, magically, to disclose the long panoramic vistas in these people’s lives (the starts, stops and reversals that stand out as hinge moments in their personal histories) and the homely details of their day-to-day routines: the dull coping with “food and mess and houses” that can take up so much of their heroines’ time.
她的短篇小说行文流畅,文风表面质朴无华,实则结构精美复杂,在时间之中往复穿梭,在现实与记忆之间转换;故事神秘展开,揭开笔下人物生平的全貌景观(在关键的转折点中突出个体人物生活史中的开端、停顿与逆境),乃至日常生活中的平凡琐碎细节:她会平淡地描述 “食物、琐事与家务”,这些事占去了她笔下女主人公的大部分时间。

Ms. Munro’s stories possess an emotional amplitude and a psychological density. Her understanding of the music of domestic life, her ability to simultaneously detail her characters’ inner landscapes and their place in a meticulously observed community, and her talent for charting “the progress of love” as it morphs and mutates through time — these gifts have not only helped Ms. Munro redefine the contours of the contemporary short story, but have also made her one of today’s most influential writers.

In short fiction that spans four and a half decades, Ms. Munro has given us prismatic portraits of ordinary people that reveal their intelligence, toughness and capacity to dream, as well as their lies, blind spots and lapses of courage and good will. Such descriptions are delivered not with judgmental accountancy, but with the sort of “unsparing unsentimental love” harbored by a close friend or family member.

Like Ms. Munro, many of the women in these stories grew up in small towns in Canada and, at some point, faced a decision about whether to stay or to leave for the wider world. Their lifetimes often span decades of startling social change — from a time and place when tea parties and white gloves were de rigueur to the days of health food stores and stripper bars.

For that matter, Ms. Munro’s women often find themselves caught on the margins of shifting cultural mores and pulled between conflicting imperatives — between rootedness and escape, domesticity and freedom, between tending to familial responsibilities or following the urgent promptings of their own hearts.

In story after story, passion is the magnet or the motor that drives women’s choices. Love and sex, and marriage and adultery are often mirrors that reveal a Munro heroine’s expectations — her fondest dreams and cruel self-delusions, her sense of independence and need to belong.

Ms. Munro is adept at tracing the many configurations that intimacy can take over the years, showing how it can suffocate a marriage or inject it with a renewed sense of devotion. She shows how sexual ardor can turn into a “tidy pilot flame” and how an impulsive tryst can become a treasured memory, hoarded as a bulwark against the banalities of middle age.

Illness and death frequently intrude upon these stories, and the reader is constantly reminded of the precariousness of life — and the role that luck, chance and reckless, spur-of-the-moment choices can play. Some of Ms. Munro’s characters embrace change as a liberating force that will lift them out of their humdrum routines, or at least satisfy their avid curiosity about life. Others regard it with fearful dismay, worried that they will lose everything they hold dear — or at least everything familiar.



In the modern era, Chinese studies in the West have gone through two main generations: the generation of the historic school and the generation of the ideological school. Contemporary Western perceptions and understanding of China, in both the academic world and popular press, have been informed by the methods and aims of these two schools.

The first generation has guided the world’s understanding of China since the early 20th century. They seek to study China in a historical context. Their methods are deeply cultural. Their studies encompass China’s politics, historical and social conditions, and the personalities who drove China’s history.

The second generation materialized after 1989 in the context of the post Cold War ideological fervor. The entire school was defined by the ideological dichotomy between liberal democracy and authoritarianism. The aim of their studies carried an overtly political and ideological agenda - to prove the Chinese political system is on an inevitable course towards eventual collapse. This school has been largely discredited by facts on the ground and their impact on the future will be limited at best.

A third generation is emerging. This new generation is approaching China with new methods and different aims within different contexts. This development has placed the fundamental frameworks of Chinese studies in transition. How this evolves will have decisive impacts on the world’s interpretations of China.

With the dramatic rise of China in all aspects of its national power in recent decades, some of the brightest minds in political science, history, and economics are beginning to examine closely what it all really means. Many of them are no longer China experts but generalists.

A much more interesting emerging trend is the empirical school. In this approach, the methods center around empirical data and the aim is the objective understanding of Chinese governance in both historic and contemporary contexts.

来源 | NYT | An Accidental King Finds His Voice

By Sarah Lyall

On Sept. 3, 1939, after Britain declared war on Germany, George VI addressed millions of people around the world in a live radio broadcast. It was a somber, stirring call to patriotism and fortitude, to courage and resilience, and it was one of the best speeches he had ever made.

He had had to struggle so hard to get there. The terrifying march to war, along with the trauma of taking over the throne after the unprecedented abdication of his popular older brother, Edward VIII, had brought back the debilitating stutter that had plagued the king since childhood. The long silences on the radio were not a rhetorical device but a verbal crutch.

That he managed at all was a tribute to the man who stood beside him as he spoke, an uncredentialled, unorthodox speech therapist from Australia named Lionel Logue. “The King’s Speech,” which opens on Nov. 24, tells the story of the unlikely friendship between the two men and describes how Logue helped the king find his voice and his confidence.

“It was a perfect storm of catastrophe,” said Colin Firth, whose nuanced portrayal of George has generated a huge pre-Oscar stir. “Having a stammer causes tremendous suffering, and just a few years earlier he would have been bailed out by having his remarks recorded and edited. But he was required to speak on this new device, live radio. And to compound all that you have a war looming, where his only function is his voice, to speak to the people, and he can’t speak.”
The movie opens before George (then called Prince Albert, or Bertie) becomes king, during a scene in which he is trying to address an expectant crowd at Wembley Stadium. Mr. Firth’s voice flails. He swallows his words, trips over them, and spits them partially out, lapsing into long, panicked silences. It is almost physically painful to watch.

George’s wife, played by Helena Bonham Carter, convinces him to seek help from Logue (Geoffrey Rush). Logue’s eccentric methods include insisting that he and Bertie address each other by their first names, making Bertie sing and impertinently asking him about his lonely childhood and his relationship with his chilly family. Gradually the future king opens up, his voice relaxing along with his clenched-up spirit.

“It’s Logue’s way of trying to help him at a time when convention does not allow psychoanalysis for a person like that,” Mr. Firth said. “Logue is one of the early generation who believed that getting to the heart of a problem psychologically could help with a cure.”

George VI remained a friend of Mr. Logue for the rest of their lives. (The king died in 1952; Logue died the following year.) The king sought his help before important speaking engagements and, in 1937 made him a member of the Royal Victorian Order, which recognizes personal service to the sovereign.

The king never fully got over his stutter, and Mr. Hooper said it would have been wrong to give the film a classic Hollywood ending, in which he is cured and lives happily ever after.

When he went back and listened to archival recordings, Mr. Hooper said, “it was clear that the king was still coping with his stammer, and that this was not about a man who was cured. It was about a man who had learned how to cope.”




At present, the main tasks for urbanization are to grant urban residency to more rural migrant workers and other rural people who have moved to cities; make more efficient use of urban land for construction purposes and prevent too much land from being expropriated for urbanization and used inefficiently; establish a diversified and sustainable mechanism for funding urbanization; put an end to China’s over reliance on land-based finance; improve the structure and form of urbanization and the living environment; raise the level of urbanization, realistically define what a city should be like and make proper plans for its development; and improve the management of urbanization.

In pursuing urbanization, China needs to respect and be in tune with nature and ensure unity between man and nature.

Making use of current mountains, waters and other unique landscapes, China needs to integrate cities into nature so urban dwellers can enjoy the view of mountains and waters and are reminded of their hometowns.























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